
坊 間販售粥品和雲吞麵的店舖比比皆是,有的恃仗過半世紀的金漆招牌老字號,有的千方百計在媒體前高調曝光,但像利苑粥麵這樣低調的在銅鑼灣繁華鬧市後街點點 經營,一眨眼就三十年,贏得捧場街坊的讚賞支持,本身也是一個傳奇。 每逢周日,利苑就會掛起黄旗,推出一星期只做一次的雞肉鮮蝦雲吞,以冬菇、木耳、肥豬肉粒,加上鮮蝦和黄油雞肉作餡,汁鮮肉滑,先來一碗吃得滋味。還需一 試是這裡粥底棉軟的生滾魚腩粥,傳統手勢保持魚肉的鮮嫩,更加上薑絲、蔥花、豉油、麻油、熟油,飽暖滿足。不能不提的是鎮店之寶,堂食之餘還要買走的裹蒸 粽。有別於近年坊間粽子內餡的千奇百怪,這裡用上最簡單的肥豬肉和鹹蛋黄作餡,做出軟糯鬆化,米香荳香肉香誘人的裹蒸粽,入口一試難忘。

地址 :銅鑼灣駱克道539號
營業時間 :11am – 1:45am
電話 :852-2832 4978

In Hong Kong there are many places selling congee and wonton noodles. Some have over 50 years of history and some struggle for a place in the spotlight, but others, like Lee Yuen Congee Noodles, just quietly sit in a back street of Causeway Bay. Times change, but Lee Yuen has been a constant feature of the area for over 30 years, winning the support and hearts of the community. The shop is a legend in itself. Every Sunday, Lee Yuen will hang up a yellow flag. This means they are selling their Chicken Shrimp Wonton, made with wood ear fungus, pork, shrimp, and chicken. These are full of juices and make a great starter. Next, try the Congee with Fish Fillet – it is mixed with sliced ginger, spring onion, soy sauce, sesame oil and boiled oil to preserve the flavour. This traditional method of preparation is guaranteed to keep you warm and satisfied. Also worth a mention are the famous Assorted House Dumplings, which taste so good you will want to take some home - even after eating your fill! The ingredients are not fancy, just pork and salty egg yolk, but these tasty dumplings make an unforgettable meal.
Address :539 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay
Opening Hours :11am – 1:45am
Telephone :852-2832 4978