
也 許你趕不上那個和大伙一道圍著那個推著木頭車的流動攤販,捧著一碗剛做好的熱騰騰的材料雜七雜八的熱麵,站在街頭吃得滿頭大汗一臉痛快的老好日子。但你依 然可以和嘴饞為食的一眾擠在榮記的小小店堂內,在面前繽紛陳列的豬皮、豬紅、蘿蔔、魚蛋、魷魚、牛筋、切片紅腸、鹵水雞翼、冬菇、齋卜、牛丸等等餸料中作 出自主英明選擇,還得決定要吃的是油麵、河粉、米粉還是生麵。  快,多選擇,相對便宜,管它是否味道風格統一,車仔麵分明就是十分香港的混雜口味,十分香港市井的核心價值。來到榮記,一定要一嘗味濃質滑的鹵水豬皮以及 雞翼尖,也要有心理準備花點時間在長長的人龍中和其他食客交換日常飲食心得。

地址 :銅鑼灣糖街27號A舖
營業時間 :11:30am –10:30pm
電話 :852-2808 2877

Perhaps you are too young to remember the times when groups of people would surround wooden hawkers' carts, choose from a variety of dishes and noodles, then eat them standing in the street, sweat running all over their faces and bodies. Even if you don’t remember this time, you can still get a sense of what it was like when you go to Wing Kee and squeeze into a seat in this crowded, little place. On the menu you will see Pork Skin and Blood, Turnip, Fish Balls, Squid, Beef Tenderloin, Red Sausage, Soy Sauce Chicken, Mushrooms, Vegetarian Balls, Beef Balls and other such dishes. After selecting your main ingredients, you must choose your noodles from the range available. Offering quick service, a wide variety of choices and cheap food, cart noodles are a local favourite and a staple dish for everyday Hong Kongers.
Address :27A Sugar Street, Causeway Bay
Opening Hours :11:30am –10:30pm
Telephone :852-2808 2877