
云 云避風塘風味的食肆當中,有的標榜豆豉蒜頭辣椒炒蟹的古法,有的已經改良成堆滿酥香金蒜的版本,以炒蟹炒蜆白灼東風螺和小食為基本,真正從當年舢舨出身以 至上岸經營的喜記,老闆廖喜多年來除了堅守傳統菜式,也發展出幾十款自創的新菜,經過近三十年的磨練,已成為避風塘菜的殿堂元老。 當年避風塘的飄拂海風漿聲燈影,以及歌艇歌女的中英歌曲獻唱,已隨著海港環境衛生問題的嚴格監管,成了當年市民晚間高檔娛樂消費的一頁傳奇歴史。如今也得 靠一點時空想象,靠飄香美味來重現昔日景緻。 蟹肉的肥美鮮甜配上蒜酥豆豉鹹香,實在是天合之作,想進一步飽肚的不妨一試豉油王炒麵,用上炒蟹的蟹油加上芽菜和蒜粒快炒而成,堪稱豉油炒麵中的極品。

地址 :銅鑼灣駱克道441號駱克大廈A2-3舖
營業時間 :noon – 2am
電話 :852-2838 8565

Some chilli seafood restaurants cook crab using the traditional chilli recipe, and some believe the dish is improved by deep-frying and adding garlic. Hee Kee was originally a floating restaurant, and the owner, Lui, makes both traditional and modern dishes. Thirty years of practice have made him the king of chilli seafood! A long time ago, Aberdeen Harbour was a crowded and exciting place. Elegant restaurant boats would employ lounge singers to entertain customers in Chinese and English as they ate. However, due to harbour hygiene measures, floating restaurants have become distant memories. For those who wish to reminisce about the luxury nightlife once offered by these vessels, the taste of chilli crab can bring memories flowing back. Fresh crab meat and crispy garlic are a happy marriage. If you really want to fill your stomach, order a side of Soy Sauce Fried Noodles. This dish is made with crab oil and quick fried with bean sprouts and garlic; pure luxury.
Address :A2-3 Lockhart House, 441 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay
Opening Hours :noon – 2am
Telephone :852-2838 8565