
作 為一家以石頭魚和黄油蟹菜式打出響噹噹名堂的海鮮酒家,一直以其堅守粵菜飲食傳統,同時刻意求新突破來作為經營方向原則,所以有福的是我們這些貪心食客, 一方面可以嚐得到真材實料踏實道地的傳統滋味, 鮑魚海參都是古法烹調才真正到位,那些充滿古早味道的懷舊點心, 得奬的酒釀脆皮鴨和其他燒味也絕對看出師傅的深厚功力。 在堅持傳統古法的同時,你也可以在這裡吃到以和牛為主題食材的中式日式西式演繹,至於那造型有趣可愛的卡通造型點心,更吸引了一眾小朋友和童心未泯的大朋 友作為忠實捧場客。面前那幾隻可愛的南極企鵝餃就是以蝦肉,鮑魚和菜頭作餡,料精工細創意十足的呈現了粵菜發展的新領域新挑戰。

地址 :銅鑼灣勿地臣街1號時代廣場食通天10樓1005號
營業時間 :10am – 00:00am
電話 :852-2628 0886

Stone Fish and Superior Royal Crab have made this seafood restaurant famous. Throughout the restaurant’s history, they have upheld traditional food values while at the same time bringing fresh, new ideas to their business direction. This way, the diner always benefits. Expensive seafood dishes, such as abalone, sea cucumber and fish maw are always welcomed in the Chinese community. You should also try their old-fashioned dim sum, such as the award-winning dish Roasted Duck with Sweet Wine. The chef’s skill is second to none. The Wagyu beef comes highly recommended and the talented chef can prepare it in Chinese, Japanese or Western style. Lastly, their cute little cartoon shaped dim sum attract children and adults alike! The penguin shapes are filled with shrimp paste, abalone and vegetables. The presentation and detail provide a fresh take on this Guangdong dish.
Address :1005, 10/F, Food Forum, Times Square, 1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay
Opening Hours :10am – midnight
Telephone :852-2628 0886