
擺 明車馬,來到九十年歴史老店蛇王二當然是要吃這裡的蛇羹。 吃蛇羹當然是在秋冬時分最合適,但這一碗熬上大半天的上湯內有雞絲有蛇絲有冬菇絲有筍絲,吃時還要撒點菊花瓣、檸檬葉和薄脆,鮮美香濃的羹湯,現在可是一 年四季都有供應。蛇羹以外,你也可以選擇這裡的燉湯,坊間少見的鳳爪燉豬腦也能夠喝得到,實踐民間以形補形的信念。 至於自家製的鴨膶腸更是長年熱賣,鴨膶和肥豬肉碎加入玫瑰露,鹽糖等等調味料,灌進處理好的豬粉腸衣裡,針刺小孔透氣,繫上麻繩吊起,前後烘約三天然後風 乾,才可以來到店內發售。簡單的一碗白飯放上兩條熱騰騰的皮脆多汁的鮮濃鴨膶腸,配上一碗蛇羹和一碟油菜,就是無法抗拒的完美套餐。

地址 :銅鑼灣波斯富街24號
營業時間 :11:30am – 11pm (夏天)
11:30am – 00:00am (冬天)
電話 :852-2831 0163 / 852-2832 2977

From the Chinese name it is clear that the dish to enjoy in this 90-year-old restaurant is Snake Soup. The perfect seasons for the soup are Autumn and Winter, but it is available all year round. It takes about a day to make and contains sliced chicken, snake, mushrooms and bamboo shoots. It is topped with petals, lemongrass and crisps. There is also a range of other simmering soups available, some of which are rarely seen, such as Chicken’s feet and Pig’s brain soup. These take the concept of 'you are what you eat’ at face value! Se Wong Yee also serves home-style Preserved Duck Liver Sausage in all seasons. To make this dish, duck liver and fatty minced pork are mixed with Chinese liquor, salt, sugar and some other ingredients. When the mixture is ready it is piped into sausage skin made from pork stomach, pinched and rope-hung to dry in the wind for three days before being sold in-store. A pair of steamed Duck Liver Sausages with rice, Snake Soup and boiled vegetables make a simple yet unbeatable combination.
Address :24 Percival Street, Causeway Bay
Opening Hours :11:30am – 11pm (Summer)
11:30am – midnight (Winter)
Telephone :852-2831 0163 / 852-2832 2977