
當 坊間食肆動不動就搬出fusion菜式以至分子烹調法的名號來招倈食客,這家背負省港西餐第一代,已有一百四十多年歴史的太平館,倒是不慌不忙的繼續從他 的「豉油西餐」奉客,留住一代又一代的長情客人。 所謂豉油西餐,其實堪稱中西菜fusion之首,太平館創辦人徐老高,早在1860年於廣州以中式豉油來為西式的煎豬扒牛扒調味,廣受中外食客歡迎。 之後多年一直累積發展開來的菜式,從牛尾湯、煙“魚倉”魚、焗蟹蓋、燒乳鴿、瑞士(甜豉油)雞翼、瑞士汁炒牛河等等,都有中式調味和烹調神髓貫串其中。就 像經典名菜燒乳鴿,也是棄用一般的鹵水,先用豉油將新鮮乳鴿塗勻,放進滾油中生炸,保持皮香肉嫩汁多惹味。傳為美談的sweet瑞士汁,也混合了三種頭抽 豉油、冰糖、薑、香草和上湯熬煮而成,跳出傳統西餐的條框,自尋蹊徑自成一派。 當然的在典雅老派的室內氛圍環境中吃過頭盤主菜,還得留肚與友人分享這裡用蛋白蛋黄和糖人手打製的梳乎厘,小時候跟家人來太平館,就等這個焗得超巨型的梳 乎厘甜品出場!

地址 :銅鑼灣白沙道6號
營業時間 :11am – 00:00am
電話 :852-2576 9161

Tai Ping Koon, one of the first Western restaurants in Hong Kong, has over 140 years of history, and created the 'Soy Sauce Western Dish'. So what exactly is the 'Soy Sauce Western Dish'? It is the grandfather of all fusion dishes in Hong Kong. The owner of Tai Ping Koon, Mr Tsui, started making this dish in Guangzhou in 1860. He made a business from Western-style Pork Chop and Steak with Soy Sauce, a welcome surprise to both Chinese and Western customers. After this initial success, many more fusion dishes have been developed over the years such as their Oxtail Soup, Smoked Fish, Baked Crab in Shell, Roast Pigeon, Swiss (sweet soy sauce) Chicken and Swiss Sauce Fried Rice Noodles with Beef. All of these dishes have Chinese seasoning and cooking methods, and are made using soy sauce rather than traditional sauces. Tai Ping Koon is distinct from the traditional mindset of western cooking: they have developed their own. After the appetiser and main dishes, you must save some room for dessert - a super-size baked soufflé that regular diners look forward to all night!
Address :6 Pak Sha Road, Causeway Bay
Opening Hours :11am – midnight
Telephone :852-2576 9161