
未 進門先看到店堂內那兩個人手打造的黄銅製的作鼎狀葫蘆狀的特大道具,有若廟堂裡的兩大金剛護法,牆上亦有龜狀爬行裝飾,更高高掛有列祖列宗的官服畫像。恭 和堂的格局分明就引領大家回到武俠小說中人人懂掌門會放飛劍的年代,大師兄中了毒小師妹要在江湖中訪尋名醫仙藥,終於覓得堅持古法秘方用上野生金錢龜板熬 煮出的汁液,凝固成半透明深棕色的固狀龜苓膏,入口既韌且滑,甘而不苦。傳統吃食當然要趁熱,但為了開拓年輕市場,也有凍食的選擇,一樣是清熱解毒的藥療 美味。吃後來碗這裡著名的雪梨水,清潤解渴,雙得益彰。

地址 :銅鑼灣波斯富街87號
營業時間 :10:30am – 11:45pm
電話 :852-2576 1001

The first things you will notice about Kung Wo Tong are their two big hand-made copper Wu-lu gourd-like props visible before you even enter the shop. The ornaments stand like two temple guards by the door and on the wall alongside them is a turtle shaped ornament and a picture of an ancient robed ancestor. The décor in Kung Wo Tong tells a story, spiriting you away to a Chinese Wuxia novel, where a hero has been poisoned. A young lady searches high and low for magic medicine to cure him until she finds a secret, old recipe. She boils a wild turtle shell and squeezes out the juice, which, when it settles, becomes brown herbal jelly. This story introduces Kung Wo Tung’s Herbal Jelly, which melts in your mouth and is not at all bitter. Traditionally it is eaten hot but many young people now prefer it cold, so both forms are available and both have the same healthy, heat-releasing properties. Also try the famous Pear Tea, which soothes the airways and is a good drink to quench your thirst.
Address :87 Percival Street, Causeway Bay
Opening Hours :10:30am – 11:45pm
Telephone :852-2576 1001