
放 在眾多粵菜食肆面前的挑戰,就是如何守住傳統古法,亦能吸取各家各國各派烹調大法,開創發展出自成一派的口味。從八十年代就開始實行無味精烹調的西苑,就 是刻意矢志令顧客品賞體會上佳食材配搭調烹出的真滋味。以傳統工夫菜蝦籽柚皮來說,用上炖足六小時的全無味精的足料上湯去煨柚皮四小時,從時間見證誠意。 從那早成經典的皮軟質鬆,汁鮮醬濃的蜜汁叉燒包,到那每桌必點的「大哥大叉燒」,及至那高貴的用上螺肉、蜜瓜、雞腳等等材料熬成的爵士湯,叫顧客如我一路 吃喝,心存感激。

地址 :銅鑼灣恩平道28號利園2期1樓101-102號
營業時間 :11am – 11:45pm (星期一至六)
10am – 11:45pm (星期日及公眾假期)
電話 :852-2882 2110

The challenge in all Chinese restaurants is to maintain traditions but still be open to the influence of international tastes and new ways of cooking. In the 1980's, West Villa Restaurant banned MSG from their food because they wanted the customers to taste real gourmet ingredients. A great deal of time is spent on each dish. For example, in Shrimp Egg with Grapefruit Peel, the grapefruit is simmered for four hours in a broth which has been boiled for over six with no MSG, giving the flavours time to really fuse. Everyone should try the classic dish Barbecued Pork Bun and the Gourmet Soup, made of conch, melon, chickens’ feet and several other fine ingredients. At West Villa Restaurant, customers can bond over their appreciation of the time and passion put into the food.
Address :101-102, 1/F, Lee Gardens Two, 28 Yun Ping Road, Causeway Bay
Opening Hours :11am – 11:45pm (Mondays to Saturdays)
10am –11:45pm (Sundays and Public Holidays)
Telephone :852-2882 2110