
從一家位處新界偏遠地區的甜品小舖,發展成今日遍佈全港十八區的連鎖經營的港式水果甜品龍頭大哥,許留山這個名字就有如武俠小說中的主角名字一樣有著吸引坊眾的傳奇色彩。 果汁、新鮮水果、冰淇淋以至涼粉、西米、布丁、湯圓的並不複雜卻又千變萬化的拼湊配合,其大膽創新的發展出一個十分道地的「撈」字,精簡概括的証明了香港人創業的勇氣和決心。一碗鮮艷奪目的芒果或者雜果西米撈成為必吃經典。

地址 :銅鑼灣怡和街3號英光大廈
營業時間 :noon – 1am
電話 :852-2972 2292

Just a small dessert café in the New Territories when it opened, Hui Lau Shan is now a chain business with shops in all of Hong Kong’s 18 districts. The industry leaders of Hong Kong style desserts, they share their name with a fictional Chinese Wuxia hero, and like him the chain is a legend, attracting people from far and wide. Here a wide variety of delicious dishes are made from simple ingredients such as fruit juice, fresh fruit, ice cream and herbal jelly, sago, pudding and glutinous rice balls. The business philosophy embraces the Chinese word '撈', 'lo', which means both work and mix - in this instance meaning Hong Kong people are brave and strong when it comes to business. The Bright Yellow Mango and Assorted Fruit Mix dishes are sure to become classics.
Address :Ying Kong Mansion, 3 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay
Opening Hours :noon – 1am
Telephone :852-2972 2292